Dividends4Life: What Does 2016 Hold for Dividend Stocks?

Dividend Growth Stocks News

What Does 2016 Hold for Dividend Stocks?

Posted by D4L | Friday, February 05, 2016 | | 0 comments »

Let's not beat around the bush: So far, 2016 has been a stock market disaster. Investors are running around like chickens with their heads cut off, selling with absolute abandon. With income investors on a more heated hunt than ever for secure and steady returns, here's what you need to know about dividend stocks in 2016. In times of volatile markets, many investors look to dividend stocks. So far for 2016, the SPDR S&P 500 Index is down 5.8%, while the SPDR S&P Dividend Index has dropped just 5%.

Whether the market soars or stumbles in 2016, investors should continue to focus on building out their diversified dividend stock portfolios. Avoiding overexposure to any one sector or country, continuing to steadily invest through ups and downs, and taking macroeconomic indicators for nothing more than they're worth will guarantee that 2016 is as a good a year as it can possibly be for dividend stock investors.

Source: NASDAQ

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