Dividends4Life: 3 Attractive Income Stocks Whose Dividends Could Double

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Not all income stocks live up to their full potential. By examining the payout ratio -- the percentage of profits a company returns to shareholders as dividends -- we can get a good read on whether a company has room to increase its dividend. Ideally, we like to see healthy payout ratios between 50% and 75%. Here are three income stocks with payout ratios currently below 50%, which could potentially double their dividends.

Forget what the idiom says -- sometimes you can have your cake and eat it too! I'd suggest income investors who want dividend growth take a much closer look at Cheesecake Factory (NASDAQ:CAKE). Next up, I'd suggest dividend investors turn their attention to the technology sector and dig a bit deeper into material science giant Corning (NYSE:GLW). Finally, let's finish up by turning our attention to a small-cap specialty bank that operates on the West Coast: Opus Bank (NASDAQ:OPB).

Source: Motley Fool

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