Dividends4Life: High Dividend Stock Yields 13%, Had Record Revenues, And Raised Guidance Again

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Looking for a gift from the market? Here's a stock that might fit the bill. We've written about USA Compression Partners LP (NYSE:USAC) before, due to its compelling business model, its strong growth, and, of course, its attractive dividend yield. Guess what? Mr. Market just doesn't care -- he thinks that this is just another problematic Energy stock, and has shown USAC no love at all.

To be fair, part of the recent price fall was related to USAC's 4 million share offering, which it announced on 9/9/15, after which its price/share dropped from $19.60 down to $17.24 the next day, and continued to drift down to a low of $13.05 amidst the September market chaos. It recovered back up to $17.68 before drifting down to its current $15.73.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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