Dividends4Life: Coca-Cola Stock – Is KO Finally Cheap Enough to Buy?

Dividend Growth Stocks News

A good stock market correction isn’t all bad. While never fun to live through, corrections give us the opportunity to snap up shares of our favorite companies at better prices. Right now, one of my favorite companies is Coca-Cola (KO). The question is — is this the right opportunity at the right time? Sure, prices can always go lower. But if you believe you got a good price, and one that will lock in solid returns for potentially years to come, that shouldn’t be the sort of thing that keeps you up at night.

Think about it. If you buy a good pair shoes for 50% off the normal price, you’re going to feel pretty good about yourself. If the price gets knocked down to 75% off the next day, you might be a little annoyed. But you’re going to look down at your feet and still feel pretty good about your purchase. Of course, not all stocks are a good bargain, even after a substantial decline. Some stocks might take years to recover their losses … if they recover them at all. So, on balance, is Coca-Cola stock a buy? I’m not pulling the trigger just yet. If you’re planning on buying and holding for the next 30 years, reinvesting your dividends along the way, then I would say that today is as good a day as any to start buying shares.

Source: InvestorPlace

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