Dividends4Life: Use Dividend Stocks And ETFs To Augment Long-Term Returns

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Over the long term, high-quality, dividend-paying stocks and exchange-traded funds could produce outperforming results. Stocks with high dividend yields are the best way for investors to buy income in the current market, and if the positions are held over the long haul through short-term volatility, one may find the investment outperforming the overall market on a total return basis, writes Philip van Doorn for MarketWatch.

Investors can also track high-quality, high-dividend stocks through ETF options. For instance, the iShares Core High Dividend ETF (NYSEArca: HDV), which tracks high-quality U.S. companies that have been screened for financial health and relatively high dividends, has a 12-month yield of 3.40%. The Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF (NYSEArca: VYM) targets the largest and highest dividend-paying stocks and comes with a 2.84% yield.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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