Dividends4Life: 5 Unloved Dividend Stocks You’ll Hate Yourself for Ignoring

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Yield-hungry investors don’t have a ton of options nowadays. Forget about money market accounts and CDs. And sure, Treasury yields are on the rise, but even now, a 10-year T-Note yields just 2.4%. Right now, income investors’ best play remains the stock market. While stocks might not offer the same degree of safety you’ll find in government bonds, you probably can’t expect any appreciation in Treasuries (in fact, if yields keep rising, you can expect losses).

So why not allow yourself the best of both worlds — some dividend yield, and some capital gains? So, if you’re looking for the best dividend stocks to buy, explore a little and check out some of these names that might get a little less attention thanks to their sub-3% yields, and are seemingly unloved for one reason or another, but offer a decent mix of both income and growth potential: China Mobile (CHL), Qualcomm (QCOM), Cullen/Frost Bankers (CFR), Axis Capital Holdings (AXS) and Prosperity Bancshares (PB).

Source: InvestorPlace

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