Dividends4Life: 5 Dividend Stocks Yielding Way More Than the S&P 500

Dividend Growth Stocks News

The bull is graying but only so gradually that the beast’s ultimate demise will almost certainly catch most investors off guard. To keep yourself from being lulled into potentially fatal sleep, I suggest focusing your new buying on stocks with above-average dividend yields and solid prospects for dividend growth. Should the market slip on a banana peel, you can count on dividend stocks to stay afloat far more effectively than low-dividend or no-dividend names.

In the universe of dividend stocks, I’ve selected five outfits that hand you dividend yields that are at least 50% higher than that of the S&P 500. Let’s take a look at these five dividend stocks to buy now: Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM), OGE Energy Corp. (NYSE:OGE), Procter & Gamble Co (NYSE:PG), South Jersey Industries Inc (NYSE:SJI) and AGL Resources Inc (NYSE:GAS).

Source: InvestorPlace

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