Dividends4Life: 3 Battered Dividend Stocks to Buy in the Energy Sector

Dividend Growth Stocks News

The energy sector typically hasn’t been a great place to find dividend stocks outside of the various super majors or master limited partnerships. That’s because, historically, drilling for crude oil is a relatively expensive proposition. E&P firms and other energy sector companies have been forced to plow their earnings and cash flows back into the underlying businesses. Most energy stocks yield about 1% or less, which doesn’t exactly put them into the big-time dividend stocks category.

The recent 50% or so fall in crude oil prices has knocked down valuations for many dividend-paying energy stocks. Investors can now find juicy yields in shares of battered firms, many of which are paying more than 3% in dividends. None of them are completely risk-free, of course. However, the higher yield does make many of them that much more attractive today. Here are three battered energy sector dividend stocks to buy today: Tidewater Inc. (TDW), Vanguard Natural Resources, LLC (VNR) and Cenovus Energy Inc (CVE).

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