Dividends4Life: Cramer’s Top 5 Buffett-Owned Dividend Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Now this doesn't mean that Cramer thinks investors should just jump on board with any stock out there with a good dividend. Instead, the "Mad Money" host took a cue from the Oracle of Omaha himself to help navigate the market of uncertainty. Approximately one week ago, TheStreet.com put together a list of Warren Buffett's 10 top yielding stocks. "As much as I respect Buffett, I don't believe that all 10 stocks are necessarily worth owning, which is why I want to narrow that list down to my top five Buffett-approved dividend stocks that you can circle wagons around if you are worried about a slowing economy," Cramer said.

To start Cramer lumped together the fourth and fifth positions, Coca-Cola and Procter & Gamble. They yield 3.2 percent and 3.1 percent respectively and thus are practically indistinguishable. The third best Buffett-approved dividend stock was General Motors. This stock sports a hefty 4 percent yield and while the slowdown in the U.S. could create hard times for General Motors, Cramer is sticking by this stock. Cramer's second favorite is Verizon, with its delicious 4.45 percent yield. The number one dividend pick with the Buffett seal of approval is Wells Fargo.

Source: CNBC

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