Dividends4Life: 5 Cinderella Stocks to Buy for Big Dividends

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Sometimes investing can be fun. Yes, real, honest-to-goodness fun — as when one of your neglected and seemingly unremarkable Cinderella stocks transforms overnight into the belle of the ball! We’ve had two such experiences in recent days. First, Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) came in with much stronger March-quarter earnings last Thursday than Wall Street had expected, validating CEO Satya Nadella’s drive to make Microsoft a force to be reckoned with in cloud computing and mobile software applications.

In today’s overvalued and increasingly fatigued market, true Cinderella stocks are scarce (although there are lots of ugly stepsisters). Among the consumer staples, Procter & Gamble Co (NYSE:PG) continues to stand out as a much better value than its peers, because Wall Street is giving Procter & Gamble almost no credit for the radical restructuring CEO A.G. Lafley has set in motion. PG stock’s current yield is 3.2%. In the utility sector, I like OGE Energy Corp. (NYSE:OGE). However, most water utilities are now quite expensive by historical standards. If you bought a company like American States Water Co (NYSE:AWR) long ago at much lower prices, I welcome you to keep it for the income.

Source: InvestorPlace

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