Dividends4Life: Don’t Overlook AT&T, It’s One of The Best Dividend Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

It’s that time of the year when telecom giant AT&T (T) is expected to announce its dividend payment. AT&T has a rich history of increasing its dividend payment, and shareholders have their hopes tied this time as well, with expectations to see another round of dividend payment hike. This telecom stock has been one of the favorite dividend stocks for investors, managing to raise its dividend and delight its investors for three continuous decades.

The company’s free cash flows have continued to grow from strength to strength. The company’s free cash flows have been very irregular owing to massive investments made in building 4G LTE infrastructure. However, it must be noted that despite heavy investments in network upgrading, the company’s free cash flow has been healthy enough to sustain the dividend payments comfortably. The chart above shows the free cash flow over the past decade along with the free cash flow per share. The free cash flow per share has been enough to fund an attractive dividend per share all through the years.

Source: Guru Focus

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