Dividends4Life: 1 Great High-Yield Dividend Growth Stock You Should Consider Buying Today

Dividend Growth Stocks News

With the recent decline in oil and gas prices investors might be wondering if oil stocks are still a good area to invest in. This article explains why Magellan Midstream Partners (NYSE: MMP) is a great "pick and shovels" energy investment; one that promises to be both a great potential source of income in the decades to come, as well as one that may generate market beating total returns. Magellan is the largest transporter of refined petroleum products in America, with 9,500 miles of pipelines, 55 terminals, and 42 million barrels worth of storage capacity.

Despite the sharp decline in recent energy prices, Magellan Midstream Partners' robust and diversified system of refined fuel, crude oil, biofuel, and ammonia pipelines remains a valuable asset that is likely to deliver strong and consistent income growth, both for the MLP and long-term investors. Thanks to management's strong track record of superb capital management and disciplined growth, I am confident that long-term investors can likely expect market beating total returns over the coming decades.

Source: Motley Fool

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