Dividends4Life: The Best Dividend Stocks For International Investing

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Assuming investors can look past the negative headlines related to the Iraqi conflict and Russian-Ukraine standoff, there are plenty of great international investments. Dividends are another great way to help control risk when investing in international markets. International dividend stocks yielding 4% are also very enticing at a time when the S&P 500 yields an average of 2%. The top 4 international dividend stocks all yield over 4%.

1. CNOOC Ltd (NYSE: CEO)- This is China’s largest offshore producer of crude oil and natural gas. It also operates in Indonesia, Australia, Nigeria, Uganda, Argentina, the United States, and Canada. CNOOC had proved reserves of 4.4 billion barrels-of-oil equivalent at the end of 2013. Compare that to Chevron’s 11.2 billion barrels-of-oil equivalent. 2. Bank of Montreal (NYSE: BMO) - Bank of Montreal is the fourth largest bank in Canada by assets. Earlier this year it acquired F&C Asset Management, doubling the size of its institutional asset management business in Europe. It’ll also be able to utilize the F&C expertise in its North American and Asian client base. Only 1% of F&C asset base were in North America.

Source: ETF Daily News

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