Dividends4Life: Get Rich Slowly: 5 Stocks To Get You Started

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Want to get rich…slowly? If you are a day trader, stop reading. If you are interested in growing long term wealth, please read on. Start investing at a young age and invest as much as you can afford to. Invest in high quality established companies that exhibit annual dividend growth and DRIP them until the day comes that you need the income. Abstain from making knee-jerk reactions to points of high market fear or euphoria. Try to adjust your positions as infrequently as possible.

The following five stocks represent good dividend growth choices for long term investment. I own all of them except for Altria which I plan to buy on a pullback: Altria (MO), Lockheed Martin (LMT), Coca-Cola (KO), NextEra Energy (NEE) and Exxon Mobil (XOM). All of these companies have positive projected earnings growth and meet all of my dividend criteria.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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