Dividends4Life: Safety, Stability And High Income For The Retired Dividend Growth Investor

Dividend Growth Stocks News

The average time remaining, if you are a man now 65, is 17.5 years; for a woman, according to Social Security data, it is 20.1 years. Here is another way to look at it. This table gives you the odds of living to a specific age, 90, 95 or 100 depending on your age now. Googling "life expectancy tables" will give you 4,100,000 responses, "retirement planning" 126,000,000. Not all mortality tables appear the same, even if based on the same data. As a Forbes article put it: "Look at mortality tables used for life insurance and you'll think you have a better chance of dying young; look at mortality tables used to sell annuities and you'll think you'll live forever."

A Dividend Growth Portfolio made up solely of dividend growth stocks is not the only way to use those stocks for retirement. They provide a mechanism for increasing distributions in a traditional retirement portfolio of stocks and bonds. Many advisors consider this kind of balanced portfolio the most sensible long-term asset allocation as well as a sound retirement strategy. I encourage you to do your own due diligence and your own calculations and give careful deliberation to these important matters.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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