Dividends4Life: Make The Most Of High-Dividend stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Make The Most Of High-Dividend stocks

Posted by D4L | Monday, April 21, 2014 | | 0 comments »

Investors love seeing dividends hit their portfolios. Owning a nice selection of dividend-paying stocks is the perfect way to add income to your portfolio, and spruce up the return on your investments. Dividend-paying stocks are attractive for more reasons than just the periodic influx of cash, or reinvested stock, into your portfolio. Stocks that are solid dividend payers tend to be a bit more stable than the broader market. The dividends keep investors interested in the stock, and they are a signal that management has enough confidence in the company underlying business to return cash to its shareholders.

When the markets run into trouble, one of the first places investors flee to is dividend stocks , so they also offer a bit of a cushion in a down market. In summary, dividend-paying stocks tend to represent mature companies, with solid underlying businesses that have the confidence of management, which also happen to bring income into your portfolio. These are all very good reasons to consider investing in a basket of high-dividend paying stocks.

Source: NASDAQ

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