Dividends4Life: Every Family Office Should Own Shares Of Consolidated Edison

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Family offices are organizations set up to invest for wealthy families so as to generate income, protect assets and produce returns that top the market. Consolidated Edison (NYSE: ED [FREE Stock Trend Analysis]) is a publicly traded utility that can accomplish all of those objectives. Here are three reasons why family offices should be long-term investors in the company.

It is difficult to find a better income stock than Consolidated Edison. At present, the average dividend yield for a member of the S&P's 500 Index is just under two percent. For Consolidated Edison, it is 4.56 percent. In addition, Consolidated Edison is a "Dividend Aristocrat." That means it has increased the amount of the dividend paid annually for at least 25 years. So the longer a family office owns shares of Consolidated Edison, the more it is paid in dividends.

Source: Benzinga

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