Dividends4Life: Sure-Fire Dividend Stocks to Buy

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Sure-Fire Dividend Stocks to Buy

Posted by D4L | Wednesday, January 01, 2014 | | 0 comments »

When it comes to buying stocks with yield power, a lot of investment pros like to get a little tricky. By tricky, I mean trying to buy all kinds of exotic high-yield assets such as energy Master Limited Partnerships, real estate investment trusts, private equity partnerships, etc. Now, I’m not against these securities, as many have proven to be big winners in 2013. What I am against is advisors shunning the tried-and-true, sure-fire dividend stocks that have proven to deliver consistently over the years, both on the yield front and in terms of capital appreciation.

The way I see it, there’s nothing sexier than a reliable quarterly payout that A) you don’t have to worry about coming in, and B) that also offers you the potential for strong share-price appreciation and total return. With that dual mandate in mind, here are five sure-fire dividend stocks to buy: AT&T (T), Coca-Cola (KO), Exxon Mobil (XOM), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) and McDonald’s (MCD),

Source: InvestorPlace

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