Dividends4Life: Most Preferred Dividend Stocks Trom Top Super Guru Investors

Dividend Growth Stocks News

In my view, it’s a good tool to look at the activities of guru investors in the market because they have big money in their pockets and if they invest combined, they could change the market very easily. Their attitude to stocks is also lightning the way to return, not always but sometimes because the media notices the portfolio changes of the hedge fund managers and create additional publicity.

Technology is still the place to be for the investment gurus. I think that they have noticed the huge cash reserves of Apple and other stocks. Most of them are very profitable and grow further despite not having new technologies developed. Here are the most favored dividend stocks of 49 super investors: Oracle (ORCL), Apple (AAPL), Apple (AAPL) and Microsoft (MSFT).

Source: Guru Focus

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