Dividends4Life: Stocks That Could Use (Another) Kick in the Dividend Pants

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Ben Bernanke’s yapper has been awfully busy in the past couple months, and that has had real consequences for the stock and bond markets. For the stock market, it has been pretty gravy — the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are sitting around new all-time highs reset this week. Bonds, on the other hand, saw a massive exodus during June that has helped push 10-year Treasury yields (which move in the opposite direction of prices) from around the 2% mark to start the year to as high as 2.76% and still around a current 2.5%.

While Bernanke & Co. have done their part to assure investors that the Federal Reserve’s bond buying won’t be going anywhere anytime soon, bond rates still are holding up, creating the concern of a “new par” of Treasury notes for dividend stocks that yield close to that number. These four stocks are right in the crosshairs, and very much could use a dividend boost to keep ahead with this new yield reality: International Paper (IP), Oracle (ORCL), Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) and American Express (AXP).

Source: Investor Place

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