Dividends4Life: Sturdy Double-Digit Yielders to Buy

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Sturdy Double-Digit Yielders to Buy

Posted by D4L | Wednesday, July 03, 2013 | | 0 comments »

The enormous amounts of money flowing into equities and other alternatives has also made it more difficult to find quality income investment ideas. Traditional blue-chip stocks have been bid up to levels far in excess of what would be justified by the fundamentals. Real estate investment trusts have become a split market, with the fundamentals of the larger trusts in decline while some smaller specialty REITs — such as medical buildings — still are doing very well. Many oil and gas partnerships have seen their fundamentals stagnate as demand weakens and supplies build, especially in natural gas.

Against this backdrop, it has become more important than ever to be judicious in searching for income investments and only select those with solid and improving fundamentals. Searching outside the areas traditionally considered for income can sometimes allow us to find stocks that have great fundamentals and can provide the yield. Capital Product Partners LP (CPLP) is a limited partnership that is in the shipping business, and owns a fleet of vessels to carry crude oil, refined products, chemicals and dry goods. Och-Ziff Capital Management Group (OZM) is one of the largest alternative-asset managers in the world and operates one of the 10 largest global hedge funds.

Source: InvestorPlace

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