Dividends4Life: Energy Stocks Every Dividend Investor Must Know

Dividend Growth Stocks News

While there are rumors that interest rates are about to start heading higher, as it stands right now, it's a terrible time to be looking for yield. That is unless of course you know where to look. Some of the best-yielding stocks today are oil and gas companies that are built to provide income to investors. That's why, as a dividend investor, you really should get to know the following three names.

Vanguard Natural Resources (NASDAQ: VNR) is an upstream oil and gas company is structured much like a master limited partnership, which are well-known for being generous to dividend investors. LinnCo (NASDAQ: LNCO) is very unique and in another it's a close cousin to Vanguard. LinnCo's only assets are units of LINN Energy (NASDAQ: LINE). LinnCo investors get a regular Form 1099 for taxes while investors in both LINN and Vanguard need to put up with those pesky Schedule K-1's come tax time. The last name that dividend investors really need to know is BP Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust (BPT).

Source: Motley Fool

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