Dividends4Life: It Pays To Invest In Emerging Market Dividend-Payers

Dividend Growth Stocks News

In addition to all the global liquidity sloshing around, central banks have also "crushed bond yields to the point that almost 50% of all global government bond market cap currently trades below 1%," according to BoA-ML. Even though market pundits talk about elevated rates on the horizon, we believe significantly higher rates that would move the needle for an income investor is a ways off. Low yields should be a significant factor for awhile.

That's why it may be a good time to look at emerging markets dividend-paying stocks. Many emerging markets are growing faster than their developed counterparts. In addition, emerging markets are currently yielding more than U.S. stocks. While the S&P 500 Index pays a dividend yield of 2.05%, the stocks in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index are yielding 2.65%.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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