Dividends4Life: Most 'Undervalued' High Dividend Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Most 'Undervalued' High Dividend Stocks

Posted by D4L | Friday, May 10, 2013 | | 0 comments »

Price targets from sell-side analysts are far from perfect guides to upside opportunities, but they do provide a quantitative measurement of how much these analysts believe a stock is undervalued. We can also combine the spread between a stock's current price and its price target with other metrics (for example, a stock's dividend yield) in order to improve the process of identifying initial ideas. Investors can then research any companies which seem appealing.

Here are five stocks with high daily dollar volumes which pay dividend yields of at least 4% going by current prices and recent dividend levels, and which are undervalued by at least 14% according to 1-year analyst price targets: Vale (VALE), BP (BP), Total (TOT), Windstream (WIN) and Linn Energy (LINE).

Source: Seeking Alpha

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