Dividends4Life: What Every Investor Should Look For In High Yield Dividend Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

It can be mighty hard to earn any interest at all in today’s banking environment. Many in-vestors are looking to riskier investments to find the kind of returns they once got from an FDIC-insured CD or even a savings account. But don’t despair. There are still a few decent ways to make your cash earn some income without putting it at too great a risk.

Equities (stocks) can be another way to beat the yields on bonds in the US market. Of course, when you buy a stock, you don’t even get a promise that your principal will be repaid. Nonetheless, with yields so low elsewhere, there are high-volume, blue-chip equities that can be good additions to your income portfolio. In the best scenario, they may give you both good yield and capital appreciation. The same can’t be said of bonds, since rates are already so low. Keep in mind that dividend equities should be only a part of your yield portfolio, not all of it. And don’t weigh yourself too heavily toward any one stock.

Source: Gold Seek

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