Dividends4Life: Buy and Forget These Dividend Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Buy and Forget These Dividend Stocks

Posted by D4L | Wednesday, January 02, 2013 | | 0 comments »

I have had more than my share of people asking for a list of stocks to own in 2013. I limited my list to stocks with large, increasing dividends that are appropriate to buy and forget about. Predicting a year in advance is no small endeavor, especially if you want any hope of getting it right. Difficult doesn't mean impossible, however. It's difficult to predict short-term moves, too, but historical data allow us a way to peek into the markets of 2013.

Unsurprisingly, dividend-paying stocks tend to outperform over the long run. Stocks with price-to-earnings ratios under 20 also tend to outperform the latest craze. Emotion plays a short-term role in valuation, and we can measure emotion, in part, with the PE ratio. Here are the large dividend-paying stocks I think are worth owning and forgetting about in 2013: Corning (GLW), Coca-Cola (KO), Wells Fargo (WFC), Intel (INTC) and General Electric (GE).

Source: The Street

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