Dividends4Life: Experts Like European Dividend Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Experts Like European Dividend Stocks

Posted by D4L | Thursday, September 13, 2012 | | 0 comments »

With investors hungry for yield in a low interest rate environment, many are starting to look at European dividend stocks. The thinking is that with much of Europe in recession or heading toward one, investors can obtain shares in profitable companies at bargain prices. And many of Europe’s blue chip corporations earn much of their revenue overseas.

While the eurozone gross domestic product slid 0.2 percent in the second quarter from the first, some of the damage has been overstated, Will James, a stock fund manager at Standard Life Investment, tells MarketWatch. “It’s not as bad as the headlines suggest,” he said. “You have companies across Europe that have very strong balance sheets and don’t have to go to the debt markets.” Among the stocks James favors are oil companies Eni (E) of Italy and Total (TOT) of France. Both have increased their dividends this year; Eni now yields 4.5 percent and Total 4.9 percent.

Source: Newsmax

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