Dividends4Life: Tips to Improve Returns With Dividend Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Tips to Improve Returns With Dividend Stocks

Posted by D4L | Monday, August 06, 2012 | | 0 comments »

At a time of such strong demand for dividends and safety, the quest for a reasonable yield amidst historically low interest rates has become quite a competitive sport. With that in mind, for this installment of Investing 101, we brought in Marc Lichtenfeld, author of Get Rich With Dividends and Associate Investment Director at the Oxford Club, to discuss ways to get more for your money by investing in income-producing stocks. He provided the following three tips to improve your performance and total return.

1) Perpetual Dividend Raisers: One of the best ways to get more bang for your dividend buck is to simply get more bang — that is, to get more and more money paid to you year after year. 2) Boring Is Good: In an increasingly active marketplace, many investors have embraced a trader's mindset and have declared traditional buy-and-hold investing dead. 3) Aim Higher: Right now the yield on a 10-year Treasury is about 1.4%, while the S&P 500 currently has about a 2.2% dividend yield.

Source: Yahoo Finance

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