Dividends4Life: Investor Fear Is Creating a Dividend Investor's Dream

Dividend Growth Stocks News

All things being equal, this year's market has treated investors fairly well. Between Jan. 1 and the end of last week, the S&P 500 had a 6.7% return including dividends, and we still have five months to go. Apparently, however, investors aren't looking at things that way. Instead, many are looking at the crisis in Europe and wondering when it will ever end. Last week, the American Association of Individual Investors released its sentiment survey, showing that just 22% of investors are bullish on the stock market over the next six months. That's the lowest the survey has gone in two years.

But instead of putting your head in the sand and stuffing your money under your mattress, now should be the time when you're looking for quality dividend companies to invest in. The crisis in Europe has created a lot of uncertainty, and some high-quality companies are trading for cheap. Now is your chance to swoop in and buy shares. Here are three companies that are ripe for the picking right now: Walgreen (NYSE: WAG) Yield: 3.2%, Molson Coors Brewing (NYSE: TAP) Yield: 3.1%, and Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) Yield: 3.3%.

Source: Motley Fool

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