Dividends4Life: Dividend Stocks To Boost Retirement Returns

Dividend Growth Stocks News

With interest rates on safe money securities, from Treasurys to bank CDs, near zero, the editors at Forbes asked us to come up with a listing of dividend stocks appropriate for yield seeking retirees. The list of stocks below contains our top picks based on our proprietary DividendRank model as well as a selection of high yielding picks from one of our sister Web sites, ValueForum.

The first three stocks mentioned come from a proprietary screen developed by DividendChannel.com. Each month we cull from our universe of dividend paying stocks scanning a variety of financial data including dividend yield, book value, quarterly earnings and dividend history. We then rank the stocks according to their financial strength and valuation relative to other stocks in their industry. 1. Chevron (CVX) 3.5% Yield, 2. Intel (INTC) 3.0% Yield and 3. Norfolk Southern (NSC) 2.6% Yield.

Source: Forbes

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