Dividends4Life: Top Quality Dividend Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Top Quality Dividend Stocks

Posted by D4L | Saturday, April 07, 2012 | | 0 comments »

According to Capita Registrars, which monitors dividend payments by UK listed firms, dividends bounced back to a new record in 2011 and despite economic uncertainty are forecast to rise by 10.6% to £75.0bn in 2012. That means that this year, the prospective gross dividend yield for the FTSE 100 is 4.5%. But can you match or even beat that? And, if you can, how can you heighten your protection from the risk of stocks that may unexpectedly hit hard times and cut their yields to shareholders?

No screen is a substitute for independent judgement but it can be a useful starting point for further research. For dividend hunters tempted to use tax-free ISA allowances to invest in super high yielding stocks, care is needed. While the consensus among market analysts is that UK PLCs are sitting on the strongest balance sheets for over a decade, there are no safety nets should companies change their minds – and past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future. However, combining a list of the current best blue chip yields with some hard and fast accounting metrics courtesy of Professor Piotroski could be one way of getting a better fix on the best home for your money.

Source: Stockopedia

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