Dividends4Life: Bob Farrell’s Rules # 7 and Dividend Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Bob Farrell’s Rules # 7 and Dividend Stocks

Posted by D4L | Thursday, April 26, 2012 | | 0 comments »

Bob Farrell’s Rules # 7. “Markets are strongest when they are broad and weakest when they narrow to a handful of blue chip names.” Most stock market participants can remember back to 2000 if they really try. It was common back then for typically risk-averse investors (like retirees) to be insistent that half of their portfolios consisted of Microsoft, Intel, Cisco and Dell. The price of each of these stocks had gone parabolic and none of them paid dividends, which was a good thing because that left them with all those earnings to plow back into their business. If the investor needed to buy groceries, they could just sell a few shares for cash flow.

My, how things have changed. Today, “dividend paying stocks” are all the rage. McDonalds, Proctor & Gamble and Johnson & Johnson are emblematic. Apple has just begun getting into the act by declaring its first dividend and Intel and Microsoft are now on the list after ramping up dividends soon after the tech stock meltdown in the early 2000s. What these companies have in common is that they are blue chip names and they have taken on a “one decision” aura. For example, Proctor and Gamble has raised its dividend every year for 55 years. These are growth stocks for the most part so dividend increases are expected to continue.

Source: ritholtz.com

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