Dividends4Life: Blue-Chip Dividend Stocks Ready to Climb

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Blue-Chip Dividend Stocks Ready to Climb

Posted by D4L | Tuesday, April 03, 2012 | | 0 comments »

Bargains are coming. All you need is the patience to take advantage of them. For now, start your shopping via defensive, dividend-rich issues. Two good Anglo-Dutch dividend payers recently got taken down a peg: Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE:RDS.B) and Unilever (NYSE:UN). Both companies posted decent fourth-quarter earnings, but there were minor warts on both reports.

Shell tallied a $278 million loss on its refining and marketing operations, somewhat more than the consensus was projecting. Unilever, one of the world’s largest makers of foods, soaps, and other household goods, chalked up a 4% gain in operating profits for the year — O.K., but nothing to shout about. There’s no foreign withholding tax with either Royal Dutch Shell or Unilever as long as you buy the London-sourced shares, thus providing an even juicier after-tax return on both stocks.

Source: InvestorPlace

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