Dividends4Life: Where To Find Great Dividend Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Where To Find Great Dividend Stocks

Posted by D4L | Monday, March 26, 2012 | | 0 comments »

Dividend stocks have taken the investing community by storm. With many investors desperately searching for income, low rates on traditional income-producing investments such as bonds and bank CDs have forced millions to look to higher-yielding dividend stocks to make up the difference. Yet as well-known blue-chip dividend stocks have gotten increasingly popular, some forward-thinking investors have looked even further afield for income opportunities. One place where they've turned is perhaps the last place you'd expect to find conservative, income-oriented stocks -- yet they're producing returns that put broader measures of the market to shame.

When most people think of emerging markets, they envision fast-growing economies where up-and-coming companies are taking maximum advantage of unique growth opportunities. With some emerging nations still building basic infrastructure and services from the ground up, growth investors have a treasure trove of smart stock ideas to capitalize on those needs. However, what even some emerging-market investors don't realize is that many companies have been operating in emerging nations for decades and have already built up mature, thriving businesses. Past their initial fast-growth stage, these companies are profitable, and in many cases, they've started to share their wealth with shareholders in the form of dividends.

Source: Motley Fool

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