Dividends4Life: Dividend Stocks Insiders Are Bullish About

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Dividend Stocks Insiders Are Bullish About

Posted by D4L | Friday, February 10, 2012 | | 0 comments »

During the past few years, the financial markets have been hit by one crisis after another and central banks all over the world have been applying inflationary monetary policies to stimulate the market. For example, the Fed has committed to the ultra-low interest rates until the end of 2014. We do not like these expansionary policies and we are concerned that these policies will lead to inflation in the near future.

Therefore, we have been recommending investors to play defensively by purchasing high dividend yielding stocks instead of long term Treasury bonds. One of the best ways of picking dividend stocks is to focus on what corporate insiders are bullish about. Insiders understand their companies much better than ordinary investors, and they sometimes have material non-public information. Insider purchases on average beat the market over the next 12-month period.

Source: Market Watch

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