Dividends4Life: Dividend Stocks Buffett Loves

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Dividend Stocks Buffett Loves

Posted by D4L | Tuesday, January 10, 2012 | | 0 comments »

Enjoy that wimpy interest rate from your bank account? Of course not, and billionaire Warren Buffett doesn't care for those paltry rates, either. I've dug through Berkshire Hathaway's portfolio and found some high-quality companies paying dividends that make your checking account look weak. Some of these stocks are hand-picked current or former picks by the Oracle himself, while Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) is the handiwork of Buffett heir apparent Todd Combs.

In any case, they're all great companies with defensible moats trading at attractive prices and spinning off dividends. Let's look at a few: Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO), General Electric (NYSE: GE), Intel (INTC) and Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ).

Source: Motley Fool

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