Dividends4Life: Dividend Investing Strategy Generated 45%

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Dividend Investing Strategy Generated 45%

Posted by D4L | Friday, January 27, 2012 | | 0 comments »

Investors sometimes talk about going defensive only to protect themselves from sharp downside movements. All too often they associate defensive stocks with hedging tools that provide little upside potential. What if you could pick a defensive investment risk management strategy that also provided market-beating gains over the past 10 years? Read on to find out how defensive can also be offensive in these bad markets.

You can easily employ this simple strategy. We look for a dividend yield (or cash distribution) of at least 5% and we focus on U.S. companies. We also look for long-term dividend and earnings growth; if either is negative over a five-year average, we exclude the company from our list. Our only selling rules are when the five-year average dividend or earnings growth turns negative. We target a maximum of six stocks.

Source: Benzinga

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