Dividends4Life: Diamond Hill's Top Dividend Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Diamond Hill's Top Dividend Stocks

Posted by D4L | Friday, January 06, 2012 | | 0 comments »

Diamond Hill Capital Management Inc. is a registered investment adviser based in Columbus, Ohio. It is independent and a publicly owned listed company. It was founded in 2000. The company manages seven traditional and alternative equity strategies, available in separately managed accounts, mutual funds and private investment funds. Its client base includes institutions, financial intermediaries and individuals. Assets under management as of Nov. 30, Diamond Hill strategy goes as follows: first, an analysis of a company’s fundamentals, followed by a top-down analysis of industry dynamics, but not macroeconomic factors. Second, they take their proprietary Diamond Hill Investment Model to estimate an intrinsic value for each company.

They seek not only stocks with a discount to intrinsic value, but a capacity to grow as well. Finally they initiate a position when they have identified a margin of safety, with the size of the purchase being dependent on their confidence level in their intrinsic value estimates. They monitor their investments constantly and conduct ongoing reach as the relationship of the price to estimated value as the market conditions change.

Source: Guru Focus

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