Dividends4Life: Bulls And Dividends Were The Winners This Year

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Bulls And Dividends Were The Winners This Year

Posted by D4L | Saturday, January 14, 2012 | 0 comments »

Think about it, folks. This market was hit with a tremendous amount of bearish news from all over the world. Europe in terrible shape with many of the Eurozone countries tinkering on bankruptcy. Desperate measures are being taken to try to keep things afloat. Day after day we hear of how dire things are overseas. We know that Japan and China are struggling with their economies, and things are slowing quickly.

To understand the way people are thinking about the market here, all you have to do is look at what is preforming well and what isn't performing so well. The more defensive end of the market is what's performing the best. Few people want anything to do with huge risk. The lower P/E, and higher dividend stocks, are where the money is running to. High P/E, high beta, and high froth stocks, are mostly in a bear market.

Source: fxStreet

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