Dividends4Life: Apple Rumored To Be Issuing "Significant" Dividend In 2012

Dividend Growth Stocks News

According to money manager Howard Ward of Gamco Investors, Apple will probably issue a “significant” dividend next year. The company has $81.6 billion in cash and investments. “We’re going to see a dividend announced for Apple at some point in the first half of 2012,” Ward said in an interview with Street Smart (Bloomberg Television). “That could easily be a 3% dividend-yielding stock or even higher.”

Susquehanna Financial Group increased estimates for fiscal 2012 sales of Apple's iPhone, siting resolution of previous constraints in its supply chain. Susquehanna now expects the company to ship 30.3 million iPhones in fiscal 2012, up from a previous estimate of 27.1 million.

Source: Business Insider

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