Dividends4Life: Solid Dividend-Paying Companies That Have Held Their Value

Dividend Growth Stocks News

The stock market does seem to resemble a casino during times of high volatility. Fortunes are made or lost on any given day based on the latest news bulletins and the mood of investors. For example, on Nov. 1 the Dow lost 297 points and the TSX fell almost 140 points while European markets crash-dived on news that Greece would hold a referendum. The next day, Toronto and New York posted triple-digit rebounds although the outlook for Europe was every bit as confused. Then Greece abandons the referendum idea amidst G20 turmoil. Who knows what happens next in this wild drama!

Through all this turmoil, however, it is worth noting that many solid dividend-paying companies have held their value and continue to reward investors with regular cash payments. Several of our Super Stocks fall into this category. For example, BCE Inc. (TSX, NYSE: BCE) has gained about $4 a share since the start of the year and continues to yield 5.2% on an annual dividend of $2.07. Fortis (TSX: FTS) is about the same price it was at the beginning of January, compared to a loss to date of 7.7% for the S&P/TSX Composite Index. Fortis closed on Friday at $33.68 and yields 3.4% on an annual dividend of $1.16. Enbridge (TSX, NYSE: ENB) is up about $6 a share since January and yields 2.8% on an annual dividend of $0.98.

Source: Guru Focus

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