Dividends4Life: The Easiest Way To Make Money In Stocks

The Easiest Way To Make Money In Stocks

Posted by D4L | Tuesday, November 01, 2011 | | 0 comments »

I call it the "apple tree" loophole. I think it's one of the best ways I know to make money in the market, especially if you don't want to fuss over your investments every day. But before I tell you what the loophole is, let me first tell you what it's not... It's not illegal. It's not confusing. And it's not a get-rich-quick scheme. When used properly, this loophole can greatly reduce the risk of losing money in any market.

But before I go on, I must say that there are a few caveats to how you use it. First, you have to follow this simple strategy exactly as I'll outline below. Second, it only works with high-yield stocks and funds. I firmly believe the high-yield stocks we buy today -- those with steady and increasing dividend payments -- are the ones that will end up paying us the most in the long run. Every time you're paid a dividend, the risk of losing money on that position gets smaller. And over time, those steady -- and increasing -- dividends can add up to unlikely returns, even from "boring" companies. Hold your stocks for long enough and eventually you're collecting pure profit with each dividend payment.

Source: Townhall.com

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