Dividends4Life: Investing For Income In International Dividend Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

One of the many traits dividend and income investors seem to share is that they like to base their investment strategy and portfolio holdings on verifiable past and present performance data in order to make a "factual" valuation analysis. If you were to ask these investors to name a fundamental rule they adhere to in their stock-picking approach, I would venture to guess most would respond with the following answer: “Stick with what you Know and Understand.” Something I can only concur with wholeheartedly!

I thought this article would be a good starting point to expand the horizon somewhat. Many large-cap companies sport a global footprint and as such many investors are probably already familiar with a large number of the companies I will list in this article. Even though their names and products may be known with many on SA, only few may have ever contemplated doing actual DD on these "foreign" companies or considered investing in non-U.S. entities.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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