Dividends4Life: Looking For Tech Dividend Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Looking For Tech Dividend Stocks

Posted by D4L | Monday, July 11, 2011 | | 0 comments »

Technology is a perennially hot space for investors looking for momentum or growth ideas, but it can also be a fertile area for investors who like to couple earnings growth with dividends. Although the range of "dividend growth" options in the tech sector is still limited when compared to more traditional sectors like consumer staples, dividend investors have a few valid options when it comes to diversifying toward the tech sector.

It is admittedly difficult to find tech stocks that pay out enough of their earnings and trade at a reasonable enough valuation to offer yields that would interest dividend-growth investors. In many cases, even the most successful tech companies prefer to spend their cash on M&A or share buybacks rather than tie themselves down to the responsibilities and obligations of meaningful, regular dividends. That said, investors willing to take on a little risk and do a little digging can find at least a few ideas here that could help diversify their portfolios and strike a good balance between income and growth.

Source: Investopedia

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