Dividends4Life: Dividend Stocks to Hold Forever

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Dividend Stocks to Hold Forever

Posted by D4L | Sunday, June 05, 2011 | | 0 comments »

I'm always peppered with questions about dividend stocks. But one question is asked more than any other: "What should I buy?" It can be a tough one to answer. After all, everyone has different goals for their portfolio. Some want the safest dividends possible. Others want the highest yields they can find. Still others are looking for a combination of growth and yield.

So when I answer, I make it simple on myself. I tell people to buy income stocks they'll want to own forever. In my mind, these "hold forever" gems are the safe, reliable securities that increase dividends year after year. The securities you want to hold forever should come courtesy of businesses so fundamental that demand never falters. For income stocks, this kind of unwavering demand drives reliable dividend growth. Year in and year out, regardless of circumstance, these stocks can power -- and even raise -- dividends.

Source: Investing Answers

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