Dividends4Life: Book Teaches Investors How to Build Wealth With $50

Dividend Growth Stocks News

In these difficult economic times preparing for a secure financial future has become an essential part of our lives. More people are turning away from traditional financial advisors and taking a more hands on approach to their monetary decisions. Helping the individual investor take control of their financial life is the central theme in the recently released book, Building Wealth with $50: The 50 Best Dividend Stocks to Buy without a Broker. Keith Chennault, host of the “Streets are Talking” 900AM WURD Philadelphia, says “you can invest a small amount of money and build a stock portfolio; this book has very valuable information”.

Building Wealth with $50 teaches investors to start buying individual stocks with just $50 a month using Direct Stock Purchase Plans (DSPPs). With many investors looking for alternatives to traditional brokerage accounts, DSPPs offer a welcome change from high fees and confusing investments. London provides valuable insight from a retail investor’s perspective. This book lays out the investment options for 50 dividend-paying stocks such as McDonald’s, Nike, and Target. The advice found in this book is for both beginners and seasoned investors. Exploring answers to questions that are commonly asked by investors. How do I make money from buying, selling and holding stocks? Why would a company pay a dividend? What stocks make up the Dow 30? These and many more questions are answered in a clear and easy to understand manner.

Source: PR Web

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