Dividends4Life: Best Yield Bets in Tech

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Best Yield Bets in Tech

Posted by D4L | Monday, April 18, 2011 | | 0 comments »

Recent signals have indicated that the tech sector may be ready to surge higher, and investors could double their pleasure by racking up growth and yields in some of the sector’s finest dividend stocks. Since last September, tech giants such as Microsoft (MSFT), Intel (INTC), and Hewlett Packard (HPQ) have all increased their dividends. These cash-rich companies have responded to investor interest in dividends but still have significantly underperformed the market averages so far in 2011.

Though most of these dividend-paying tech stocks have not yet completed weekly bottom formations, there are valid fundamental reasons why the high-yielding tech stocks might be worth a look. When the inflation rate is rising, multinational, cash-rich, dividend-paying stocks should do well, benefited by a weaker dollar. With the latest producer and consumer price numbers out at the end of the week, these tech stocks may be just what your portfolio needs.

Source: Forbes

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