Dividends4Life: Top Dividend-Yielding Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Top Dividend-Yielding Stocks

Posted by D4L | Thursday, September 16, 2010 | | 0 comments »

Dow 10,000. The market closed above this key level for the first time on March 29, 1999. Richard Grasso, then the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange and New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani broke out the Dow 10,000 hats. Now, more than a decade later the Dow sits at 10,463. Given the lack of performance of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, many investors might think this is the last place to look for solid investments.

So, the Dow hasn’t moved in 10 years and treasury yields continue the descent that started in the early 80’s. The lack of Dow performance has created an opportunity to buy blue chip companies that yield higher than treasuries and have potential upside in the stock prices. Of the 30 companies in the Dow, the 10 below represent the top dividend yielding stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average with earnings yields in excess of the 10 year treasury yield that are not overly levered. We sorted the companies by dividend yield and highlight some of the key trends for each company that investors may want to consider.

Source: Forbes

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