Dividends4Life: Finding High Yield Securities

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Finding High Yield Securities

Posted by D4L | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 | | 0 comments »

It is comforting to receive regular dividends on your investments. You can get a monthly payout on some invested assets. There are some steady high yielding names you can find that you may not have heard of. I have read at least two books on dividend investing that I can recall. An earlier book was "Dividends Don't Lie" by Geraldine Weiss and Janet Lowe. It discusses why dividends, not earnings, are a better gauge of when to buy a company.

Then there is a more recent and relevant book by Bryon Perry "The 25% Cash Machine, Double Digit Income Investing." The 10-year U.S. Treasury bond is not paying out a very good yield lately. These are some ways to make a steady income from your portfolio and the have the added benefit of capital appreciation.

Source: AssociatedContent

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