Dividends4Life: The Rebirth Of Dividend Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

The Rebirth Of Dividend Stocks

Posted by D4L | Tuesday, April 13, 2010 | | 0 comments »

What a difference a year makes. A year ago the headlines on Q1 2009 dividends were ‘Q1 Worst Quarter for Dividends Since 1955’, today’s Q1 2010 headline is ‘Dividends See a Rebirth in First Quarter’. Increases are up, decreases are way down – and dividend investors need to understand it’s not what you make in the good times, but it’s holding onto it in the bad ones. That’s why the Q1 numbers are so good. Last year in Q1, U.S. domestic common stocks reduced their total indicated dividend payment by $43.8 billions; that is $43.8 billion that investors didn’t get. And similar to a pay cut, it is $43.8 billion that they won’t be getting this year, or the year after this. This year however the tide has turned, with companies adding $6.4 billion back in.

Source: BusinessWeek

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